Micro RA Prism Lenses

AC Photonics’ Micro RA Prism made in very micro size. Micro Ra Prism can perform excellent wavelength manipulation as typical right angle prisms or as beam solitters in a micro optical environment, suitable for compact-size fiberoptical components, laser systems, and micro optical devices.






  • Micro Size
  • RA Prism or Beam Splitter Performance
  • High Transmittance or Reflectance
  • Low Angle Deviation
  • Versatile Wavelength Mainipulation
  • Compact Fiberoptical Components
  • Laser Systems
  • Micro Optical Devices
  • Optical Assemblies




Material Optical glass
Design wavelength Visible or as specified
A, B, C 0.5 ~ 8.0 mm or as specified
Angle Tolerance 30 arc seconds
Flatness 1/2 wavelength
Clear Aperture: 80% of the edge diameter
Scratch and Dig: 60-40, 40-20, 20-10, or as specified
Bevel Sharp edge or sightly protective bevel




Spectral Chart



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